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The Fast of Esther on the 13th of Adar

Ta'anit Esther for Hebrew Year 5784 occurs at dawn on Thursday, 21 March 2024 . The Fast of Esther (Ta'anit Ester, Hebrew: תַּעֲנִית אֶסְתֵּר) is a Jewish fast from dawn until dusk on Purim eve, commemorating the three-day fast observed by the Jewish people in the story of Purim.

Purim Day on the 14th of Adar

Shushan Purim on the 15th of Adar.

Esther asked the rabbis to write the story of Purim and include it in the Bible. Scrolls - megillot – were written and sent to the Jews throughout the kingdom. The rabbis commanded the people to keep the holiday of Purim forever as a day of thanksgiving and feasting and joy; of sending gifts to friends and money to the poor. And that is just what the Jewish people have been doing for the past 2,400 years!


The 4 Main Mitzvot of Purim

1. MEGILLAT ESTHER -- we read the story of Purim in the evening and the next day. And whenever Haman is mentioned, we make as much noise as possible to blot out his name and his memory!

2. SENDING GIFTS OF FOOD to at least one friend or relative, because Purim is a time of love and friendship between Jews.

3. GIVING GIFTS OF MONEY TO THE POOR because Purim is a time of sharing and caring and helping.

4. EATING A FESTIVE PURIM MEAL – the special holiday meal eaten on Purim afternoon.

AND DON'T FORGET, PURIM IS COSTUME-TIME! We celebrate how everything can turn upside-down and into something else, and nothing is exactly what it seems to be. So start thinking about who you want to be on Purim!

A joyous Purim to all of you! May Purim – and all other days in the year!-- be full of light and gladness, honor and joy, just as it was for the Jewish people in the time of Esther and Mordechai so many years ago.

What Is Purim All About?

The Book of Esther says that the name Purim comes from the Hebrew word pur, generally translated as “lots” (as in lottery, or drawing lots). The holiday is named this because Haman, the villain of the Purim story, drew a lottery to determine the date of the destruction of the Jewish people. Instead of Haman’s planned genocide, that very day became a triumphant victory for the Jews, and was the cause of what we now know as the holiday of Purim (Esther 3:7 and 9:26).

But that’s just the surface level of the meaning of this holiday’s name. Why Name A Holiday After The Enemy? The name Purim doesn't come from what Haman did... but what Esther did. 

A Deeper Explanation of Purim

There’s a popular joke about Jewish holidays: “Our enemies tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat!” While this quip may contain a kernel of truth, it misses the true meaning of the Purim holiday.

The story of Purim takes place in the wake of the destruction of the First Temple, during a time of national exile. There’s a Jewish woman who’s basically a political captive and needs to keep her identity hidden. There’s a ruthless death sentence decreed upon the entire Jewish people with seemingly no hope to be saved.

But then there’s a miraculous turn of events in which every piece of the story plays a role in bringing about our national salvation. Esther’s role in the palace becomes the key to redeeming the Jews and bringing down Haman. Mordechai’s early revelation about the assassination plan and the King’s neglect in honoring him at that time become fuel against Haman’s status and pride.

The very day that was meant to be a national holocaust became a day of triumph and celebration. It’s the transformation of events, the way in which everything gets turned upside down, that is the true miracle that this holiday commemorates.

God’s name does not appear at all throughout Megillat Esther, but in the absence of God’s explicit presence, the story of Purim reveals God’s hidden involvement in our world that never ceases. This is the message and the promise of hope that this holiday carries, even in the 21st century.

Why Do We Dress Up?

There are a number of reasons for masquerading. Firstly, dressing up in costume adds to the overall joy and festive nature of the day. Secondly, it is a reference to God, who Himself was “disguised” throughout the Purim story in seemingly natural events.

Mishloach Manot

Mishloach Manot, literally, “the sending of portions,” is one of the central laws of the day. It is fulfilled by sending gifts of food and drinks to friends.

The minimum is for everyone to give at least two different types of food to one person, but there is no limit on how much can be given and many people give out mishloach manot to multiple friends and family members. Read more in our guide for giving Purim gifts, or uncover the hidden story behind why we observe this mitzvah.

לַעֲשׂ֣וֹת אוֹתָ֗ם יְמֵי֙ מִשְׁתֶּ֣ה וְשִׂמְחָ֔ה וּמִשְׁל֤וֹחַ מָנוֹת֙ אִ֣ישׁ לְרֵעֵ֔הוּ וּמַתָּנ֖וֹת לָֽאֶבְיוֹנִֽים...

They were to be observed as days of feasting and merrymaking, an occasion for sending portions to one another and gifts to the poor… (Esther 9:22)

Matanot L’evyonim

Donating charity to the poor: This mitzvah can be fulfilled by giving either food or the monetary equivalent of a meal to two different poor people. But this is the bare minimum. If possible, one should strive to give more charity on this day, and this is the mitzvah most spend money on.

“It is preferable to spend more money on gifts to the poor than on one’s Purim banquet and presents to friends. For no joy is greater and more glorious than the joy of gladdening the hearts of the poor, the orphans, the widows, and the strangers. He who gladdens the heart of these unhappy people imitates G-d, as it is written: revive the spirit of the humble, and to put heart into the crushed" (Isaiah 57:15).

Interesting Facts About Purim

Fact 1: The Book of Esther is the last of the 24 books of Tanakh to be canonized by the Sages of the Great Assembly.

Fact 2: The Book of Esther is the only book of the Bible, other than Song of Songs, that does not explicitly mention God.

Fact 3: Unlike other traditional Tanakh scrolls which are given two rollers, one for each hand, Esther is given only one roller on the left side.

Fact 4: Among the Dead Sea Scrolls, Esther is the only book of Tanakh not represented.

Fact 5: Many parallels can be drawn between Esther and the Book of Daniel.

Fact 6: Purim overlaps chronologically with the Book of Ezra.

Fact 7: An additional six chapters of Esther appear in the Septuagint. The additions include: the contents of the decree against the Jews, a copy of the second decree which saved the Jews, a prayer to God recited by Mordechai and Esther, and Mordechai interpreting dreams.

Over 2,000 years ago, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. The Jewish people were sent away from the Land of Israel and were forced to live in Babylonia.

Fifty years later, Babylonia was defeated by Persia. Achashverosh (that's pronounced: Ah-chash-VEY-rosh) was the second Persian king. He ruled 127 provinces from Hodu (India) to Kush (Africa) the largest, strongest kingdom in the world.

A new king needs a new capital, so Achashverosh chose the city of Shushan. To celebrate, he made a tremendous feast for all the important people in the kingdom. It lasted for 180 days. Then he made a second feast just for Shushan. Everyone in the city was invited, even the Jews.

Mordechai, the leader of the Jews, warned his people not to go to the feast, but they were afraid to disobey the king. And to tell the truth, they were honored and pleased to have been invited. For seven days they ate and drank to their heart's content. Only one thing troubled them. Achashverosh brought the gold and silver vessels from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and used them for his wild celebration...

The drunken king began to brag that his queen Vashti was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. On the last day of the feast, he commanded her to come and dance before the crowd. But Vashti was the proud granddaughter of the cruel Nebuchadnezzar and she refused to appear. "Am I a servant to the king?" she asked. In a fit of anger, the king had her killed.

Achashverosh now needed a new queen and he wanted someone even more beautiful than Vashti. His men went from house to house in all of Persia, taking the young girls away to Shushan where they were kept as hostages until they were brought before the king.

In Shushan, a Jewish orphan by the name of Hadassah lived with her uncle Mordechai. When the king's men came to her house, Mordechai said, "Don't be afraid. Go with them. Do not tell them you are a Jewess. Tell them your Persian name -- Esther. God will watch over you!"

Esther was kind and gentle and very beautiful. As soon as the king saw her, he chose her as his new queen. Esther appointed seven maidservants, one for each day of the week, so that she would always remember which day was the Sabbath. Her meals were cooked with kosher foods. And all the while, she kept her secret. No one knew she was a Jew. Everyday, Mordechai sat outside the palace gate to wait for news from Esther.

One day outside the palace, Mordechai happened to hear two men plotting to kill the king. He warned Esther and the two men were caught and killed. Although it was recorded in the Royal Book that Mordechai the Jew had saved the king, the matter was soon forgotten.

Soon after, Achashverosh appointed Haman -- the richest man in the kingdom -- as his new prime minister. All the king's subjects were ordered to honor Haman and bow down to him. Everyone did, except Mordechai. It was permissible to honor Haman and bow to him as the prime minister, but Haman wore a large medallion, engraved with the picture of an idol, on his chest. Mordechai said people might think he was bowing to the idol too, and a Jew is forbidden to worship or honor idols.

Haman was furious. He went straight to the king to complain. "There is one nation," he said, "scattered throughout your kingdom, which is different from all other nations. They don't eat our food, drink our wine, or marry our daughters! They don't keep the king's laws and they don't work! Every seventh day they rest and they are always celebrating holidays. If you give me permission, I will destroy them for you. I will even pay for any expenses from my own money!"

Achashverosh gave Haman his royal ring, to seal the orders and decrees. Anxious to do a perfect job, Haman wanted to execute his plan on the right day, a lucky day blessed by his gods and the stars. He cast lots -- purim in Hebrew -- to choose the day. Then he sent out letters, sealed with the king's royal ring, to each of the 127 provinces in the kingdom.

"On the 13th day of the month of Adar," the decree said "you are to destroy, kill and slaughter all Jews, young and old, women and children, all in one day. Their money and property will then belong to you."

When Mordechai heard of the decree, he ripped his clothing and put ashes on his head as a sign of mourning. He told Esther she must go to the king to try and save the Jews. Esther was afraid, for it was forbidden to come before the king without being invited. But Mordechai said, "Who knows if you have not been put in the palace for this very purpose? If you are silent now, help will come to the Jews from some other place -- and you will perish!"

Esther asked that the Jews in Shushan fast and pray for her for three days. Mordechai gathered all the Jewish children in Shushan and told them to pray, too. (In the end, it was the prayers of the children which were answered.)

The Jews finally realized they should not have gone to the king's feast; they should not have eaten at the royal banquet nor drunk the wine, nor used the vessels from the Holy Temple. They understood that this was their punishment for fearing the king more than they feared God

When the three days of prayers and fasting were over, Esther went to the king. "What is your request, my queen?" he asked. "Half of my kingdom is yours for the asking!"

But Esther asked only that the king and Haman come to a private banquet she was making. At the banquet, Achashverosh asked again, "What is your wish? Whatever you want is yours!" But Esther only invited the king and Haman to a second party. "How strange," thought the king. But Haman was delighted. On his way out of the palace, he passed Mordechai at the gate. His delight turned to hate. "I am important enough to be invited to the queen's private banquets together with the king -- and that Jew refuses to bow down to me?!" He wanted to kill Mordechai then and there, without waiting for the 13th of Adar!

"Do it!" advised his evil wife Zeresh. So Haman built a gallows, 50 cubits high, in his own courtyard. He would hang Mordechai at the first opportunity!

That night, the king could not fall asleep. He tossed and turned and finally called for his servant to bring out the Royal Book and read him to sleep. The heavy book fell open to the story of how Mordechai the Jew had warned of the plot against the king and saved the king's life.

"What reward did the Jew receive?" asked the king.

"None, sir," was the reply.

"He saved my life and received no reward?!" stormed the king.

Just then, someone knocked. It was Haman, coming for permission to hang Mordechai the Jew. He was in such a hurry he couldn't even wait for the morning!

"Haman!" thundered the king. "Tell me, what shall be done for a man the king wishes to honor?"

"He must be referring to me," thought Haman gleefully. "I know just the thing," he said. "Let him wear the king's royal robes. Place the king's royal crown upon his head. Let him ride the king's royal horse. And let a servant walk before the horse and cry out: Thus shall be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor!"

"Wonderful idea!" cried the Achashverosh. "I shall leave it all to you. Find Mordechai the Jew and do exactly as you described, down to the last detail!"

Haman did as he was commanded, and Mordechai was led with royal honor through the streets of Shushan.

Haman returned home, a bitter, broken man. But he had no time to brood. He had to be at the royal palace in time for the Queen's second banquet. Once again, the king asked, "What is it you desire, Esther? Why have you invited us here? Speak and it shall be done!"

This time, Esther spoke. "Spare my life," she cried, "and the lives of my people. We have been sentenced to death!"

"Death? Your people? By whom?" asked the surprised king.

"By an evil and wicked man -- by your minister Haman!"

The king was so astounded that he marched out of the room to regain his composure.

Trembling and fearful, Haman threw himself on the queen to beg for mercy. At that very moment, Achashverosh returned.

"What?" he cried. "Do you dare to attack the Queen in my palace? Take him away and hang him!" he shouted.

In the end, Haman was hung on the gallows he himself had built for Mordechai. And Mordechai became the king's new prime minister in place of Haman!

According to Persian law, it was impossible to change a decree stamped with the royal seal, so the king could not cancel the decree against the Jews. But Mordechai was given the royal signet ring to issue whatever new decrees he could think of to help save the Jews.

Now it was Mordechai's turn to send out a royal letter. It said: On the 13th of Adar, all the Jews in the kingdom would organize to defend themselves. The Persians were more than happy to listen to Haman and kill Jews, but if the Jews were going to arm themselves and fight back under royal protection, well then, that was another story!

On the 13th of Adar, Jews across the kingdom assembled and defended themselves. Thousands of their enemies were killed, including Haman's 10 evil sons who were hanged from a tree. Unlike the Persians who planned to take money and property, the Jews took no loot at all. On the 14th of Adar, they gave thanks to G-d and celebrated.

But in the walled capital city of Shushan, the Jews continued to fight an additional day. On the 15th of Adar the Jews of Shushan celebrated their victory. 

Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785