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High Holidays

Candle lighting

On yom tov (when it falls on a weekday), it is permissible to transfer a flame (but not to create a new flame).

The festival candles should preferably be lit before sunset on erev yom tov (the afternoon before the holiday), but if they were not lit before sunset, they may (and should) be lit after sunset from a pre-existing flame.


Over apples and honey

On Rosh Hashanah eve, at the start of the festive meal, it is customary to dip some cut raw apples into some honey as symbolic of asking God to grant a sweet new year.

The blessings for the apples and honey:

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הָעֵץ.‬

Transliteration: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, bo're p'ri ha'etz.

Translation: "Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the tree."

A bite of apple dipped in honey is eaten, which is followed by:

יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ, ה׳ אֱלֹהֵינוּ וא‑לֹהַי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ, שֶׁתְּחַדֵשׁ עָלֵינוּ שָׁנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה‬

Transliteration: Y'hi ratzon mil'fanekha, Adonai Eloheinu velohei avoteinu, shet'hadesh aleinu shana tova um'tuka.

Translation: "May it be Your will, LORD our God and God of our ancestors, that you renew for us a good and sweet year."



(Feast of Tabernacles)

ברוך אתה ה' א‑לוהינו, מלך העולם, אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו לישב בסכה.‬

Transliteration: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu leishev ba'sukah.

Translation: "Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to dwell in the sukkah."


Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785